Birdlife at Pakowhai Park


Good evening from a cool Saturday night in Hastings.

After a cold start the weather turned out rather warm and so to get a bit of photo therapy I headed out to find some autumn colours which I will show tomorrow.

I also found some bird life while I was out.  There were lots of fantails flying around enjoying the warm sunshine.  The only thing was that there were dogs running around so that just as I was focusing on the fantails a dog would start barking and the bird would fly off.  This was the best shot.



Then there were the usual sparrows.


stilt 2

stilt 1I found these stilts walking not far from the motorway. I really struggled with the zoom with these, trying to get the right depth of field.  These were the best of my photos and I had to heavily crop them as well.


Finally a feather to finish of this post.

Final watermark for blog

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