Phoneography Challenge: Macro – Amarylls


Good morning from another beautiful sunny Hastings.  It really is nice to see some sun for more than 10 minutes after last week’s miserable wet weather.

Time for Sally’s challenge for my IPhone 5S.  It is apt that tomorrow Apple will be giving us a new IPhone.  The camera should be interesting to see.

As I have spent a lot of time at my parents house I make use of my cellphone when my mother has interesting flowers.  This was the most gorgeous pink amaryllis.

So I have spent some time playing with different apps on the phone.  Sorry I can’t remember which ones I used – most of them are combinations to get the affects I felt were more interesting.

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I think this one was with SnapSeed as well as PhotoStudio for the frame.

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I think this was with PS Express and I inverted the colours as you can see.

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I definitely can’t remember this app at all.

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This was SnapSeed and possibly PhotoStudio.

It is so easy to get carried away with the apps.  For me it is like going into the Tardis – several hours go by before I emerge from it again.

You can check out this challenge at Sally’s post here:

And other posts.

Thanks for visiting.



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