A photo a Week Challenge: Into the Woods


Ok, I know that this isn’t really into the woods but since my computer has been kidnapped and held to ransom I don’t have a lot of photos to use.

This was taken yesterday morning on the way home from picking my son up from his bible class.  I knew as I was leaving home to pick him up that it was going to be something special. I promised to make his breakfast if he was patient enough to wait for me to take some photos by Cornwall Park.  So yes there are trees so I hope that is enough for this challenge.

Here is Nancy’s blog to find out more about this challenge:


Thank  you for visiting and your support.  It means a lot for me.

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A Photo a Week, Look Up, Look Down: Flight

Flight 4

Good morning from a cool but sunny Hastings day.

This week Nancy’s prompt is Flight.

These photos were taken at the vintage car display at the Art Deco Weekend last February.  There is always an aerobatic display and the planes fly down close to the beach.  These were taken with the IPhone 5S and I had a little bit of fun with the editing with FX Foto Pro.


As I am looking up it can also enter Debbie’s challenge at

New Windows on the Block

And here are some amazing photos from Cee


Thanks for visiting.

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A Photo a Week: Texture, Look Up, Look Down


This week the prompt from Nancy is texture.


Since we have had a lot of rain over the past 2 weeks the mushrooms are sprouting up everywhere.  I found this one at Cornwall Park.  What caught my eye was the texture on it.


As I was looking down for these photos I can also add this to Debbie’s Look Up, Look Down challenge.


Thanks for visiting.

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A Photo a Week: Layering. Cornwall Park



Nancy’s challenge this week is layering.  I have been on a mission to take photos of autumn colours.  The first photo I have posterised to add some more colour.

 This second photo hasn’t been edited. I have used the different colours for my layering, while I used the foreground to add the layering.

Check out Nancy’s post here for more information.


Thanks for visiting.

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A Photo A Week, Look Up, Look Down






Good morning from Hastings.

I am killing two birds with one stone today.  Two challenges. Well actually 3.  Nancy has challenged us to take photos of backlit subjects.  I do this a lot a I love the way the colours stand out.  The second challenge is for Debbie’s Look Up, Look Down.

These photos were taken looking up with the sun just coming up.  They caught my eye as the colours really stood out.

The third challenge is a local photo competition for the colours of autumn here in the Hawke’s Bay.  I have until the end of April to take some photos to hand in.  I am not sure how many photos are allowed.  They were rather vague.  So I will need to narrow it down I would imagine.

So I am asking for some imput here.  Which are your favourites and why?

Check out Nancy’s challenge here.


And Debbie’s here.


Thanks for visiting.

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A photo a week Challenge: Red


My last post this morning is for Nancy’s challenge at nancy merrill photography.  This week we are asked to show red, either as a main colour or accent.  This first photo is a red pohutakawa – I dare anyone to try and pronounce this.  It is a native to New Zealand and is called a Kiwi Christmas Tree as it usually flowers around Christmas time and being a traditional colour for that time.


My second photo is of a red sunset.  We do have the most glorious technicolour sunrises and sunsets and this one was particularly red.

For this challenge check out


PS – I must look at the movie The Sixth Sense again.

Thanks for visiting.

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A photo a Week Challenge: From Colour to Black and White


I love post processing so was happy to see Nancy’s challenge this week at nancy merrill photography.  Then I saw Cee’s photo at Cee’s Photography and thought wow.  We take colour in our world for granted but sometimes it lacks a little drama.  That I saw with Cee’s photo where the colours detracted somewhat from the image.  But when she changed it from colour to Black and White it was so much more dramatic and interesting.  It was a great photo to start with but I was just blown away by the transformation.

I have chosen this rose for the light affect through the petals.

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I edited with ColorStrokes and used the dreamy filter to give it a more surreal look.  Then I added a vignette to just bring out the rose and added the border.

Being me I couldn’t stop at just one photo so here are a couple of others I did as well.

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Thanks for visiting and here are Cee’s and Nancy’s blogs to check out.

A Photo a Week Challenge: From Color to B&W


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