Steve’s Snap & Zap Challenge: Birds

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This is a fun challenge from Steve

Snap & Zap: The Seagulls…


  1. Create a new post showing the original
  2. What edits have you made?
  3. What software/techniques have you used?
  4. Link back to the current week’s page

So the top image is my original looking up at a seagull on a tarpaulin.

First I edited it with Snapseed with the drama filter and HDR

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Then I headed over to Distressed FX and sorry I can’t remember what filter I used there.IMG_0442 (640x453)

Just for a bit of colour.

Then I played around with Photoscape.

Backlit (640x473)

First I added a backlit filter.

watercolour pencil (640x473)

Then added a watercolour pencil filter. Too light and not enough definition.

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So then I added a pen filter.  Still not enough for my liking.

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So some more backlit filters.

So let me know which is your favourite version.

Actually it is has been a bird theme week for me.  And just to prove that birds are around me, yesterday we had a visit from a mother duck and her 10 babies.  A long way from Cornwall Park.  Unfortunately we were too busy trying to catch them instead of taking photos.  It took about a couple of hours.  We caught about 7 of the ducklings but the mother duck kept flying around getting distressed and the other 3 ducklings kept going around in circles in the shrubbery.  In the end the ducklings we had caught were put in an empty rabbit hutch and the neighbour came back a couple of hours later to find the mother duck by the hutch with her 3 lost babies.  So they were all then caught and taken back to the park, which I might add is a couple of kilometers away.  😀

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Just to show Steve I was thinking of his theme last week which was walking.  – the final edited version of my photo last week.

Thanks for visiting.


Phoneography Challenge: Black and White

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Good morning from another grey Hastings day.

Since it is the third week of October it is black and white for Sally’s challenge:

You might recognise this first photo.  It is the one I used for my post on twins for Nancy Merrill’s challenge:

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Everything looks so different in black and white.  All taken with my iPhone 5S and edited on my phone with Snapseed.

I am starting to see some photos from the iPhone 6 and 6Plus.  They look great but I am still very happy with my 5S.  I brought it in February so it is not that old and I am really happy with the quality of the images with it.  I didn’t like my 4S as it was not as clear so I noticed the difference when I upgraded.

Thanks for visiting and I will catch up with you later.



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